Friday 1 March 2013

Disappointment Where There Shouldnt Be

So weigh in morning for me today, i get to group early as i help to weigh in people so no brekki for me today, bad girl! However our very kind shop lady makes a rather delish hot choccy for me as our social team gets weighed and set up.

So how did i do....i lost a pound. Albeit a respectable and healthy pound i was really disappointed! After such a large gain last week i was hoping to knock a bit more off but as my lovely consultant says a pound is still a loss and i should be happy with that!

I thoroughly enjoyed group today, its nice to have a couple of hours to myself this week just for me, as usually Leah comes with me, we had some fantastic losses and celebrated our Biggest Loser, the lady who won is a true inspiration to us all losing an incredible 5st 10lb in just 5months, she looks amazing and we are all really proud of her :-)
I really do love our little group, full of support, laughs and loads of hints, tips and celebrations ♥

Finally back home im flying solo as Chris has run off to play golf again but we have nothing and i mean literally NOTHING in our cupboards and fridge, so im having a lunch on plan but off if that makes sense! Im havin the last of the potatoes before they resemble aliens in my cupboard, i found a small tin of spag hoops in the back of the cupboard and a dried up bit of cheese! With a glass of coke zero. Oh sad times with no veg or fruit in sight stroll on shopping this afternoon! But still a tasty lunch as im ravenous :-) and this is now my ultimate comfort food so happy days.

Afternoon spent shopping and finally filling up my empty cupboards and fridge equals happy me! We have my folks over for tea tonight and decided on gammon, sw chips, beans and mushrooms, not really enough superfree on mine but fridays are usually my treat night so in the grand scheme of things its not horrific, and i cut the fat off my gammon too just incase you were wondering, so really and truely a day on plan but off plan.... but il be straight on it like sonic come tomorrow again, until tea time but more about that on tomorrows blog ;-)

Now im settling down to a hot choccy and my fave muller greeks, im vowing this coming week that although they are on offer of 2 packs for £2.19 in tesco i will not be bulk buying again, altho they are very low syn they arent free foods so maybe thats why my losses werent great this week, so will be focusing on superfree puddings instead more than yogurts.

Well see you all tomorrow for another instalment :-)

Total syns im guesstimating at around 12 for the cheese, yogurts and hot choc but no more today to be on the safe side

Oh and theres no pics as my phone camera did funny things and wouldnt work properly :-/

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