Wednesday 27 March 2013

Feeling very proud! :-)

Wahhhooooo i am managing to finally post a blog on a wednesday, after tno shows the last few weeks i thought i had better pull my finger out and write one lol.

Wednesdays and thursdays always throw me as its the only days i work, one late and one early, i always forget to photo my food too! Well i half succeeded today, i managed brekky and tea, parts of tea tho ooooh i really suck at this!

Well today started with a rock of a bagel...silly weightwatchers could have thrown it through a window or killed someone with it, i have bought regular bagels for future bagel usage! I topped with quark and baby plum tomatoes, and some squash on the side, of the drinking not eating variety!

I then rushed around to get bits ironed for work, overnight stuff packed and then zoomed up to my folks to drop squirt off, stopping for a cheeky lemon and green tea on the way to work.

I managed to drink 2litres of water before my lunch break (thirsty work all this nattering to customers!)

I then picked up my new uniform finally after months of ordering, my shirt was now two sizes smaller wahooo and i have trousers that actually zip up now rather than a broken zip and no holes in. Victory!

Lunch today was a mini wholemeal pitta, a bag of salad leaves and packet of salt and vinegar french fries - no pic as i remembered after i had eaten it all! - actually surprisingly filling and i left my veg option as i was full...actually i still havent eaten it!

Finally it was hometime and i had managed another half a litre of water, now this is where i had a serious test of every will power i have; for my tea i had a weightwatchers steam meal of spicy mango chicken, sounded nice and was ok but only had two teeny tiny pieces of chicken in, and not worth the £2.79 price tag (its also so small i serve on a side plate!!!) whilst my parents tucked into fish and chip shop chippy!!!! Oh my days i was literally drooling on the floor, the smell was to die for...worst of all dad took my car to get them so the smell was lingering in there too!! But i didnt touch a chip! Im so so so very proud of myself :-D

Still hungry and cold i had a lemon and green tea, my yogurt, 2 satsumas, my apple and a funsize choc saved all my snacks for the evening as my parents tend to break out various niceys of an evening usually including crisps or peanuts or choc or my very skinny mum will break out the cheese and crackers! So i was fully prepped for this happening but it didnt lol!

So now im tucked up in bed as i suspect as both my dad and bro are on early shifts tomo that squirt will wake when they do about half 5 ...... ERGH!!!!

So i wish you all a good night xx

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