Thursday 28 February 2013

Pre-Weigh Munchies and Lamb...again opsy!

Hello All!

Thursdays are my early shift at work and i have to try and sneak out the house at 0645 without waking anyone up, so last night i thought i would precook me some breakfast and tried a recipe i had seen on The Slimming World Files blog for rice pudding.  I poured some pudding rice into a pan and added enough diet cream soda to cover it and simmered until the rice was soft, I then added 25g of sultanas for 3.5 syns. All tubbed up and ready to go by the door in the morning.  I arrived at work bleary eyed and annoyed at the majority of the road users who cant drive, its a real bug bear of mine when people drive in the fast lane when the slow lane is free and refuse to move over so I can go past, absolutley drives me nuts! Anyway i pour myself a big brew and sit down to my cold pudding, its nice, no ambrosia mind you and i think it would be better if i had added a vanilla yogurt to make it a bit more creamy but it was filling and set me up for the morning ahead.

After a few hours of again being polite to the public, which was a real test today, it was lunch time and i finished up the last of my soup and had bought two prepacks of mango to much as well as another brew, hopefully as it is shopping day tomorrow i will be able to come up with some more interesting lunches for you next week! After my shift i go home and spend the next couple of hours playing with little un and tidying up, realising im desperately needing to spring clean soon plenty of body magic coming up with that as i have carpets that need steaming and windows that need washing (one whole side of my flat is floor to ceiling glass and Leah loves sticking her hands up all over them!)

Tonights tea is not entirely sure how this happened, i have hand on heart never eaten so much lamb lol well tonight was lamb medallions which were absolutley delish and had not a scrap of fat on them, just griddled them until lightly pink in the centre.....mmmmm!!! with it we had mash 1/2 syn for some flora extra light and a little dash of milk from my HeA allowance, sweetcorn, carrots, courgette, leek, mangetout, cauliflower and broccoli. I decided to have my second HeA of 40g of half fat cheese over the top and it was lovely.

I spent the rest of the evening sorting out bills and other fun stuff before having a lovely mug of lemon and green tea and 2 muller greek yogs for 1 syn.
Tomorrow is weigh in day for me and every thursday evening i seem to come down with an attack of the munchies, its a common thing with everyone in my group as well as we have frequent conversations on our SW page, i think its because you know you have no more days to redeem yourself if you have a pig out, but in the back of your head all you want is a takeaway or chocolate or crisps, all those bad things which would probably sabotage your weigh in! im keeping my mind off the munchies by watching silly ghost hunting programs on telly and an early night...i want a good loss tomorrow...WISH ME LUCK!!!

Total 5 syns

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