Monday 4 March 2013

Fakeaway night!

Good day to you all!
Well i started my day today saying by to hubby for the week, and hello to hopefully a week not full of syn and badness, in redemption for my weekend!

Breakfast this morning was my HeB of muesli, with tesco ff rhubarb and vanilla yogurt, 2 plums, some blueberries and grapes with a big cuppa.

Dressed and off to the dentist, it was Leahs first trip and well she didnt exactly play ball but thought it was hilarious that the dentist was poking around in mummys mouth and blowing air in it, happy to report i have fab teeth still woohoo! I nibble a small handful of kettle chips to celebrate, ive synned at 5.

After the dentist im off to my lovely friends house so the kiddies can play and we can drink tea and natter til the cows come home! (Haha here i have to confess as she is reading this that i ate one yougurt covered raisen!!!)

Couple of cuppas later...half of one which ended up under my bum and all over her sofa...sorry again!!... and a banana that Leah didnt want, i thought we had terrorised my friend enough lol and mooched on home for some lunch.
I had lettuce, red cabbage, cucumber, ham, and a spoon of mini pasta bows with the last spoon of my cowboy casserole from last night...stuffed was an understatement!

After squirt had her nap we went to watch daddys ship go out and waved like a pair of looneys in the cold, but he did apparently see us which was good so we didnt freeze for nothing!
Back home she was fed, bathed and bedded and i set to work on my fakeaway sweet and sour chicken chow mein.

I cooked off pepper, onion, mushrooms, water chestnuts, chicken and beansprouts in a slug of passata, a veg stock cube sprinkled in, soy sauce, 330ml of diet fizzy orange and some red wine vinegar. Then boiled up some dried noodles, after the liquid reduced down it was ready to serve and scoff. Really tasty and filling :-)

Tonight i have set up some programs on the telly and i plan on doing a couple of hours step ups on the wii as a pre 30 day shred warm up beginning tomorrow whilst watching them, its my start to working towards my body magic awards, if i cant get my 3stone shiney, il get my bronze fitness award instead and hopefully the 3stone shiney will swiftly follow :-)

HEA - 350ml skimmed milk
HEB - 35g jordans muesli


2 plums
Red Cabbage
Water Chestnuts

Ff rhubarb and vanilla yogurt
Left over casserole

1 yogurt covered raisen 0.5
Kettle crisps 5


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