Friday 22 March 2013

Is Fast Forward my winning solution?

Hello!!!! Sorry again for my absence but work on weds and thurs really blows me all out of sorts and the days disappear before i have a chance to realise that they have begun! And i had such a crappy day wednesday i just wanted to hide away from the world and rock! Broken cars, having to be rescued by my dad and brother, horrid people at work and a horrific mood was not good and it made for a very unhappy me and blogging fell by the "weigh" side ...boom boom!!!

As i said on my fb slimming world page "slimming world style" (shameless plug!!)  i am trying a different plan this week. Fast Forward.
Its a consultant led plan thats tailored specifically for the person following it, so this makes my blog a bit null and void really for most, if not all of you and for that i really apologise.

So I faced a heartbreaking 2.5lb gain again this week and cannot for love nor money find out whats going on and its getting me into a state of depression to be honest, im good for weeks on end to gain or maintain, occassionally a little loss and whilst i weigh in people and sit in group and listen to others saying "ooo i ate a whole cake, maccys, 5 meals out, my body weight in wine, etc etc" then see they have a 4lb loss, it gets a bit dishearting and i feel rather dejected over it all. Saying that i do love weighing in people, to see everyones progress and give out awards etc and hearing how everyones been in general (so carry on girls... as some of my group read this!!!) ♥

Ok, its * week (first time this year!) So that probably accounts for it but i have been angelic this week, you could literally see my halo shining from space. So my theory was that even if it was the dreaded week that i should maintain or maybe lose abit...but nope my body had other ideas.

It occured to me that ive been shifting inside the same half a stone for the last nine months and to be perfectly honest its just not on anymore, i try my hardest to eat different things, if i have blow outs to reign it back in again to minimalise the damage, i drink water and fluids all day, ok i should exercise.more but all the crappy weather has made it hard to go out for the lovely long walks i really enjoy so im going to make a concious effort to up that abit more.

Speaking to my fab consultant though, she understands how frustrated im getting and is always willing to help in any way she can and fully supports me doing this.
It actually says on the booklet that this is a slimming world straight jacket, so im a little nervous to say the least but willing to give anything a go, before i start whacking off limbs!!!!

I read the booklet inside and out when i got home from group and its not too hard to get to grips with once you know how many points you get. Now like i said i cant go into too many details but you get to pick bits off a pre weighed and pre made up menu every day of a breakfast, lunch, tea, snacks and a salad/veg unit too to make up your points.
I made a list of what i was having at each meal so its all attached to my fridge and i knew what i was shopping for and then my consultant rang me and i checked with her that i was going about it the right way. Now ive been told the best way to tackle this plan is to spread your meals out and drink lots! You have no superfree to fall back on when your hungry and no free foods to pick on in the evening! :-/

Shopping was a wierd one today as i didnt pick up my usual mass of fresh fruit and veg, just a few bits here and there, no bits for syns or really anything i usually eat so this is going to be a real eye opener!

Maybe this is the answer im looking for to get me in the right direction again, re-look at the whole slimming world plan and refresh it all again, maybe even tho im eating the right foods and slimming world says you can eat until satisfied, maybe, just maybe its something like portion control i need to look at and this will help to shrink my stomach to eating smaller meals???

Maybe my delightful body will yet again screw me over and il be the only person to put ON whilst being on it?!!?!?

Only fridays weigh in will tell me and im excited and nervous at the same going to need lots of luck and probably a gag or zip on my mouth...with my first hurdle of my lovely friends baby shower tomorrow...*carla your famous again!!!* so no yummy cakes or treats for me il be armed with my bottle of water instead!

Right night night guys and girls see you all tomorrow when i regale you with tales of my day :-)  xx

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