Thursday 28 March 2013

Oh so unbeliveably tired :-(

Hi everyone, today im writing to you absolutely shattered, squirt had night terrors last night, while we were stayin over the folks, so in a bid to not wake the entire household, including two members that were both on early turns, i decided that as she wouldnt go back in her cot without screaming, that she could come kip in with me. Oh what a mistake!
Finally at 2:45am she fell asleep, me however did not, she fidgets so much in her sleep i was being hit, elbowed, kicked and rolled on! Im not entirely sure i actually went back to sleep at all, then she was back up at 6am again when she heard people getting ready for work.
This made work for me incredibly long and i was so tired im pretty sure i was on another planet!

Anywho, for brekky i had my nommy proper bagel, quark and cherry tomatoes and a very naughty coffee...i really really needed it!
I obviously sensed i would need fuelling for the morning as it was super super busy, anyone would think the apocolypse was coming not just easter!

I was so happy when lunchtime finally rolled round, i had drunk a litre of water while on my checkout, but things were so busy still i couldnt get my salad leaves for my lunch otherwise i would have spent half an hour queueing! So it was just a mini pitta bread, cherry tomatoes, my french fries crisps and a packet of green beans (i ate them today!)
I was hoping that when i went back out that things would have eased off a bit but nooooo!
Finally the end of my shift drew near with another litre of water under my belt, hometime woooopiiieeee!!

After getting squirt to bed for hopefully a fuller night sleep than last night, i shoved on another cheeky ready meal under my allowed calories...tonights joyful meal was sweet chilli chicken and noodles, this time courtesy of tesco healthy living range. Better than the weight watchers one last night but not great! I honestly have no idea how people live off these things permanently, bring on the fresh cooked slimming world food again!

I have some strawberries, a hot choc and fun size choccy bar ready for my gorgeous, heavenly, amazing bed in the not so distant future

Tomorrow is weigh in day and to be perfectly honest im absolutely bricking it, if i have done all this and resisted so many things that have been wofted under my nose and i dont lose or only lose half a pound, i will be absolutely devestated, so please wish me good luck ♣

Night all xx

Come see how i got on and come like my fb page "slimming world style" x

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