Friday 15 March 2013 it me you're looking for?!

Hello fond followers im sooooooo sorry for not blogging this past week!
I deserve a good slap on the hand, i have been so busy visiting friends at the beginning of the week for some long over due girly catch ups especially before one swans back off out to Auz again soon :-(
Then before i knew it it was work time again and i decided to kip up my folks as they are away at the mo and went and saw my bro and his gf, so we arrived at friday, and a start of my new shiney week, free of bad food and hopefully a resolution to find out whats occuring with my poorly tummy :-( i think this week has not been helped by eating full fat white bread at the beginning of the week, not drinking enough and not eating enough veg, ive loosely been on plan eating good brekkies and teas, as my friend was doing SW before she has her little boy she always cooks me sw friendly food when i go see her, this time a rather scrum chicken, mushroom and bacon risotto. Nommers! But there were naughties in the form of alcohol and dips lol.
So due to the fact im bloated beyond belief and ahem, rather bunged up, i decided to take a "holiday" this week and start afresh straight from group.
I picked a green day as my fridge and cupboards were bare due to being away all week, all that was left was some pasta!
So due to no milk i made a couple of hot chocs (4syns) to warm up and settled down to a lunch of macaroni with 1 laughing cow cheese triangle (2 syns) and the rest of the carrots, i then discovered a cherry activia yogurt in the back of the fridge too.

I have been investigating into supplements i can give a try to help with my mysterious digestive issues, and im going to raid holland and barrett i think on monday for some acidolphilous and colon clense and maybe a bottle of acai, all supposed to help clean up my insides. Previously when ive been to the drs ive been prescribed laxido, movicol, senna, and even a magnesium based liquid for heartburn that if you OD on it, its a laxative! Im not so keen on quick fixes as ive read horrid things about becoming reliant on laxatives and the bowel forgetting how to work so im looking for something more natural to work more long term and maybe rejiggle everything back to what its supposed to be doing! Ive also swapped aspartameand sucrolose based sweetner to stevia as well. Wish me luck! Oh and i munched a packet of skips and coffee whilst researching (4 syns)

Anywho.... i then went shopping for lots of yumminess to fill my fridge and picked up a cheap danio cherry yogurt, oh my days they are so thick and creamy and not bad for 1.5syns will deffo be having again as they are very filling too.

I decided to have sw chips, HeA of cheese and beans for tea but at group everyone was talking about the new Taste of Asia book, which after flicking through will be purchased next week, so i had seen a recipe on the facebook sw page for spring rolls made with cannaloni tubes. I think they are a seriously good substitute for the greasy deep fried spring rolls from a takeaway.
All i had to do was preheat the oven, boil up some water and add as many cannaloni tubes as you want, i made 6
;-) until they are al dente, remove and place on a baking tray. In a frying pan i put finely chopped onion, mushroom and a bag of beansprouts and a splash of dark soy sauce. When they are cooked and slightly cool, fill each of the tubes and place back on the tray. Spray with frylight and bung in the oven until crispy. Amazeballs.

Now im making up a big batch of rice pudding with diet cream soda and the rest of my HeA of milk to have for pudding and picking on tomorrow as im at a kiddies birthday party where theres bound to be cake and crisps. This time i have some vanilla yogurt to mix in as well for extra creaminess.

And thats today done and im off with my rice pudding to my bed to watch my twilight breaking dawn part 2 dvd, courtesy of my darling daughter and mothers day :-)

HEA - 350ml skimmed milk
HEA - 350ml skimmed milk
HEB - 40g reduced fat cheese


Macaroni pasta
Baked beans
Activia cherry yogurt
Activia vanilla yogurt
Pudding rice

Hot choc x 2  4
Skips  4
Laughing cow cheese triangle  2
Danio cherry yogurt  1.5

TOTAL 11.5

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