Monday 25 March 2013

Im baaaaack! And still surviving on FF...just...

Ok so yet again apologies for a lack of blog yesterday, i had a fab food day but i have a sneaky feeling im the victim of some caffine DT's at the mo...

So yesterday was day two of my Fast Forward, the food im not really finding a problem, i think my tummy is a bit more accustomed to smaller portions now and im looking forward to my meals more and savouring them too, therefore eating more slowly as well.
I actually thought when i first saw the amounts that i had to eat was so little, ive now slowly turned that around to actually what i was eating was faaar too much...have i actually been sabotaging myself without reaslising? Now sw states you can eat unlimited food until youre full without calorie counting etc but i actually think ive been taking it to extreme, i could quite easily eat an entire punnet of strawberries in one go or a whole melon...all speed foods and good for me...but far too much! After only three days on this plan makes me realise ive been going about this the entire wrong way and although ive been eating all good foods, ive probably been eating for two, maybe three sometimes and i just dont need it! I dont feel bloated, i dont feel overstuffed or uncomfortable like i would usually, and im spreading my meals out eating 5 small portions rather than three huge ones. I just have everything crossed that my hard work pays off on friday and i can restart the usual plan with a clear focus and head.

Anyways enough revaltions on to yesterdays food in a nutshell, brekki i had a bagel, cream cheese and cherry tomatoes, still drinking loads of nas squash and peppermint tea.
My folks came over to go shopping for some clothes for my daughter birthday prezzys and after mooching round town i made them homemade veg soup and oven baked rolls, while i tucked in to 2 wholemeal bread slices, a very small can of baked beans, and a packet of french fries and muched on mangetout throughout the afternoon (now dont forget i cant give out weights etc as this plans specifically for me!) Oh and a satsuma, again squash and peppermint tea makes an appearance.

This is where it all goes down hill...i had a bit of a muzzy head when i woke up that morning but just ignored it, by lunch i was knocking back the pain killers but by tea time i knew i had a migraine coming :-( so i quickly whipped up my tea of pasta, and a chopped tom and veg sauce, glugged down my hightlights hot choc and choccy fingers and headed off to bed, by that time i couldnt see and my hands went numb :-(
Gutting as i also missed two calls from my hubby who ive not spoken to in what seems like forever, as i literally crashed out.
I think im on a caffine come down, as i usually have about 7 big mugs of coffee a day and ive cut it out completely. Milk is an additional unit and i picked food over milk lol.

This morning i still had a bad head but had serious hand shakes as well and felt really shakey too.
An extremely brisk early morning walk round to the seafront blew away (or froze) my remaining fuzzy head.
I head home for my brekki of honey on wholemeal bread and a banana on top.
My bro then popped round for a bit and after a good old natter whilst we all watched Finding Nemo, squirt has a mad fish obsession!
Lunch time arrives and i have a reduced fat cheese toasty, a plum and yogurt, with my carrot allowance, more peppermint tea and squash.

Im getting bored of my teas so i pop to the shops and pick up a box of camomile and honey, camomile and spearmint and raspberry and echinacea tea to try out! Im screwed if i dont like camomile lol.

While squirts havin her tea of sw quorn spag bol and orzo (her fave) i sit down to a snack of crisp bread, low fat cheese spread and chopped tomato. Nom nom nom!

Tea tonight is prawn stirfry again as i had leftovers that needed eating after saturdays tea (dont like waste!) With raspberries and strawberries and fat free fromage frais.
Later on i get a highlights hot choc, 2 choc fingers and a funsize choc bar oh so much yumminess (il miss not havin to syn these when im back on plan!!!)

Now just a quick happy been really annoyed by my trousers today as they keep falling down so i thought tonight i would retake my measurements, since the 5th march ive lost 10.75" all over! Most comin off my hips, legs and arms, sooo chuffed, and makes up a bit for my gain i had as even though my weights up and down, my body shape in general is down. Id highly recommend measuring yourself for weeks when you think you havent achieved may well have and lets face it we all need that happy shove and encouragement!

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