Tuesday 5 March 2013

Wooo hoooo a day on plan! :-)

It was a gorgeous sunny day today and its put me in a really sunny mood, therefore a good eating day, hmmm maybe im fat cos we have too many rainy, cold, wintery days and as our summer didnt really start thats why my weights the same as back in june!!! I suffer from FSAD - food seasonal affected disorder!!!! I really think i could be on to something here!

Brekki this morning came in the shape of cheesy beans on toast, im on a green day today so get 2 A choices and 2 B choices, i had 40g of half fat cheese, HeA, sprinkled over beans and two slices of my HeB bread all washed down with my usual cuppa.

I then spent the next hour or so getting ready and dancing around to Rihanna on the telly whilst waiting for my sis in law and nephew to arrive.

My mission today was finding my mum a bday prezzy and we ended up walking into town and spending a small fortune but did manage to find something i hope my mum will like! We were naughty and treated the kiddies to a sausage roll from Greggs and my sis in law got overly excited at a sausage roll with egg and bacon in....yuk!!! I was polishing my halo outside and then ran into tesco to buy strawberries, oranges, a pineapple and mango! (Seriously halo is glistening!!)

After the kiddies had a run round the park and said hello to the animals we mooched back home again and iade myself noodles and veg stirfry, the noodles were mixed into some soy sauce, veg was peppers, mushrooms and a stirfry pack. Really filling and served with some left over nas orange fizz from last night.

This afternoon has been a bit of a lazier affair with a dolly teaparty and silly games and bouncing on beds still it was lovely having the sun streaming in the windows and the tunes up on the telly.

Tonights tea was mushy pea curry and rice. Sounds disgusting and as an avid hater of mushy peas i was hesitant to try BUT its fabulous and tastes like chip shop curry sauce.
I took a big pan and added 2 cans mushy peas, 1 tin baked beans, 1 can chopped toms, and a massive shake of curry powder as i love my curries HOT! While thats heating through, in another pan i put an chunky chopped onion, pepper, mushrooms and a courgette in to cook and a pan of rice on too.
Once the pea mix is warmed through i blend mine til nearly smooth and add in the chunky veg, big stir round and serve on the rice. I had mine with my second HeB of bread, officially the most bread ive eaten in months but i had to dunk!!!

Pudding later is strawberries, the rest of the ff rhubarb yogurt and a syns worth of mini meringues on top (10 pieces) and il treat myself to a hot choc before bed.

Right im off to complete another evening of wii fit and body magic, i managed 2 hours last night of jogging, boxing, hula hooping and step aerobics and burned off 556 calories :-)

HEA - 350ml skimmed milk
HEA - 40g half fat cheese
HEB - 2 x 400g wholemeal bread
HEB - 2 x 400g wholemeal bread

Pepper x 2
Stirfry pack
Tinned toms

Baked beans x2
Mushy peas x2
Ff yogurt

10 mini meringues  1
Hot choc  2

Total 3

Dont forget to 'like' my facebook page and carry on supporting me in my journey :-) *slimming world style*

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