Saturday 9 March 2013

Slacking on the blogg-age!

Apologies for not posting a blog yesterday but it was a busy day and i just didnt have the time to fit it all in!
Let me start at the beginning....

Weigh in morning, after a very shakey start to the week i managed to scrape in a pound loss again this week, not great but considering my scale peek i was expecting a gain....see doesnt do to be checking the scales midweek!
After weigh in me and two lovely ladies from group went to our local tea rooms and had cake and tea! I had the most delish scone and cream and cuppa, naughty me! But it was a better choice amongst snickers cake, mahoosive choc cheesecakes, rocky road bars the size of my head and warm fudge cake! See sensible choice now!!!
After finishing up there i went home and got ready to go up to see my nephew who turned on every previous birthday ive missed cake, this time i was force fed my sis in law a chunk about 1" cubed! Apparently so i couldnt moan about missing it this time! Then it was time to go pick hubby up from his ship, and get some tea. We decided on a curry and settled on a dhansak and rice about 9 syns as 360g is 6.5 syns and it was 560g. 2 popadums for 8 syns and 4syns for mango chutney. After all that i decided to flexi syn the day and just get back on it saturday morning.

So on to today.

Breakfast was plums, melon and an apple chopped up with a coffee and coconut muller light.
We then went and did a bit of shopping as i no food in the house at all and only needed little bits as i wont be at home much next few days.

Then popped into town for a few more bits and a prezzy hunt for a friend, by the time we got home i was marving so had giant cous cous, bulgar wheat and quinoa with courgette, mushroom and onion. Ahhhh thats better :-) oh and a bottle of pepsi max as a bit of treat!

Then back out again to get some inspiration for our daughters second birthday, easier said than done but we have a few ideas and looking at decorating her room for her as well as it resembles a nursery rather than a toddlers room, and shes far more grown up than her two short years! I took with my my two HeB hifi bars to nibble on.

So back home yet again and its time for tea.
Tonights menu is homemade wrap pizzas, sw chips and salad bits.
I use the warburtons thin wraps as they are a lovely size and only 8syns, just like eating a thin crust pizza.
I top mine with tom puree, mushrooms, onion, pepper, my HeA of cheese, rocket and cherry tomatoes, pop in the oven until cooked.

Pudding tonight is the quark, mixed with white options hot choc 2syns and ive finally found tesco own stevia sweetner so mixed some of that in too, bunged in the freezer for a bit and taaadaaaaa mousse type cream pudding!

Loverly jubberly, now to snuggle up to the hubby and look at DIY stuff! :-)

HEA - 40g reduced fat cheese
HEB - 2 hifi bars

Cherry toms

Muller light yogurt
Giant couscous
Bulgar wheat

Warburtons wrap  8
Milk in coffee  2
Options white choc  2


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