Sunday 3 March 2013

Normal Business Resumed, Extra Easy Style

Happy Sunday to you all! :-)

I was not amused at my silly o'clock wake up call this morning, who gets up before 7am on a sunday?! My daughter does thats who!
So i start my sunday off with a mahooooosive cup of coffee, and decide to have beans and mushrooms on toast this morning for brekki, and picked on a few grapes whilst i was cooking it up.

Back into town we strolled again today to pick up some cleaning bits and dinner for tonight, but for some reason the small person turns into a complete devil child, theres squinnying, screams, tears and tantrums, we end up in a cafe buyin her a sandwhich for lunch and shes not having any of it, its nearly thrown on the floor, so after glugging my tea down as im getting those lovely stares...(those of you with kids will understand "that" look that people give you when your childs paddying!) I quick march her back home and down for a nap...ahhhhh peace! :-) time for me to rustle up some lunch as i avoided all cakes, pastries, and other such yum naughty items out! I munch on 4 carrots and a slice of ham whilst cooking.
Todays lunch is giant cous cous, bulgar wheat and quinoa mixed together and boiled in a pan of chicken stock and a small glug of dark soy sauce. Then as thats softening i "fry" off in frylight mushrooms, pepper, red onion and 1/2 an auberguine. Once all cooked mix into the cous cous and serve! I had the rest of my pringle crumbs and a cocktail sausage too. All synned appropriately!
Whilst cooking our tea i nibbled on a corn on the cob :)

Tea tonight is a new one on me and a recipe that was in a magazine last year and recently posted in our SW group fb page...campfire stew!
Basically its sausages, bacon, baked beans, peppers, onion, garlic, chillies, tomato puree all cooked in a big pan with some paprika, served with mash and green beans....delish and one i will be having again!

Errrrgh got some serious sugar cravings this eve really unusal for me as im more of a savoury girl so ive just had 10 mini meringues for a syn and a pineapple with sweetner, i cant feel my tongue but the cravings been, temporarily i suspect, muted! Oh and i highly recommend the new coke zero cherry too, tastes like normal cherry coke :)
For the rest of the week i aim to keep my syns under 5 to make up for the last couple of days and also start working towards my bronze body magic awards in the evenings, Chris is back to sea so im dusting off my 30 day shred and blowing cobwebs off my wii.

HEA- 350ml skimmed milk
HEB- 2x400g wholemeal bread

Red Pepper
Red onion
Green Pepper
Yellow Pepper
Tomato Puree
Green beans

Baked beans
Giant cous cous
Quinoa and bulgar mix
Ham slices
Corn on the cob
More baked beans

Pringle crumbs  3
1 cocktail sausage  1
3 Healthy Living sausages  3
(i think as i cant work out if the recipes changed so may only be 1.5)
10 meringues  1

Dont forget to like my facebook page slimming world style :-)

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