Tuesday 19 March 2013

Awesome Curry Night!!

Hiya all! :-) hope ur all well...

Well someone must finally have been listening to my order of sunshine as i woke up and after a rather misty start , it turned into a gorgeous day, no coat required either so im a happy bunny. It also put me into a rather sunny mood as well.

So i start off with a sunny breakfast and somewhat tropical affair of my HeB of muesli, soaked in a pineapple activia yogurt and i added to it strawberries, grapes, a plum and kiwi as well as im back on an Extra Easy day today. I also had my usual coffee and had a fab idea of using a massive cocktail glass that my hubby bought my back from the Hard Rock Cafe to fill up with nas squash. My theory was it was big enough to graze on and i had some serious thirst going on today, i think i got through 7 of these glasses!!!!

Me and bubs then took a mooch into town to meet up with my seriously crazy sister in law, apparently she was having a shockingly bad day! Anyway after about an hour she had to go and deliver some bits so we took a slow mooch home through the park to hunt down squirrels and jump in puddles :)

Lunch today was orzo but this time cooked up with courgette, mushrooms, peppers and onions in some soy sauce. Was lovely stuff and i sat there with the sun shining through the windows and finally felt warm and cosy and more cheerful :-)
I followed that with 2 frozen muller greek yogurts and some more squash, then i did something that ive not done in ages and that was napped....i actually fell asleep on the sofa and didnt wake up til bubs woke me up half hour later! Seriously refreshed now, i need to sleep earlier at night!

So after some doll playing, jumping on the bed, bird watching out the balcony, and other shananigans i decided to start prepping for tea.

Now theres a history behind this tea...its a legendary curry made by one of the girls in group, it has fantastic weight loss helping along properties...kind of medicinal if you get what i mean! Especially if you go hot hot hot on it!
Start by frying onions, peppers and chicken with frylight in a big saucepan. Add 3 cloves of garlic, and i added 6 birdseye chillies to mine as they needed using up, then add in 2tbsp garam masala, 2tbsp paprika, 2tbsp turmeric, 2tsp chilli powder, chicken oxo, 2tbsp tom puree, 3tbsp hot curry powder, and i also add in a good shake of cayenne pepper and chilli flakes. Then a massive jar of passatta, splash of soy sauce and veg of your choice. Simmer for as long as possible.
I added tinned potatoes, okra, peas, courgette, mushrooms and spinach to mine as i needed to make enough for lunches at work.
I also served it with cauliflower rice (cauliflower grated and cooked in the microwave for 3 mins) and a sliced banana on top, which i learnt tonight via my very lovely consultant is a very popular south african thing to do and i needed it to cool my burning mouth!

After a lovely long chat on the phone with my absent hubby, i decided to call it a night and go to bed with a bowl of mango and kiwi and an options hot choc and sit and write this :-)

So im now off to sleep as its back to work time again tomorrow and i want to be up early to go see my folks before hand :-) night everyone xx

HEA - 350mls skimmed milk
HEB - 35g jordans muesli

Kiwi x3
Yellow plum
Courgette x2
Peppers x3
Onions x3

Tinned potatoes
Activia pineapple yogurt

2 x muller greek  1
Velvet crunch  4
Options hot choc  2


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