Thursday 7 March 2013

Where did this week go?

I cant believe its thursday again, where did this week go? Weigh in for me tomorrow morning and after yesterdays faux par im a little nervous about it to be honest!
Ive had a real strange day today, i just dont seem to be functioning at all and when i do, its not functioning right!
Im tired which is probably the main issue, i had a real pants night sleep last night, i was awake every hour pretty much for some reason, my daughter decided to scream and cry in her sleep at 4am which frightened the life out of me and consequently i "slept" the rest of the night with one ear and eye open making sure she was alright. My alarm then rudely decided to go off at 6am so it was time to get up and go to work...booooo!!!

Im on a green day again today and breakfast was dried weetabix minis that i had to eat on the run, well in the car, naughty me! I had a cuppa when i got to my mums to drop off pickle.

After a very odd morning at work where i seemed to be on another planet, more than usual some would was time for lunch.
I had left over quorn chilli, a berry selection box of raspberries and blueberries and a packet of velvet crunch. Oh and the ever important brew. I also managed another 2 litres of water today too.

After my shift i went shopping for snacks for the weekend as on sunday evening im travelling up to Sheffield with one of my friends to go visit another friend and i want to try and be as good as possible, i bought grapes and free fizzy water for the car and mugshots and tesco cassava thins to snack on but more on all that on sundays blog.
However it wasnt until i picked up my daughter i realised i had forgotten to get me some tea for tonight, derrrr!
I wanted low fat chilli chicken supernoodles but my fab tesco doesnt do them so i chose the rather naughty beef full fat version for 10syns ouchy!!!

Once i was home and lil un was in bed i put my noodles on, cooked off asparagus, a pepper and red onion along with my second HeA of half fat cheese and ohhhhhhh my days was it scrummy! Totally worth my 10 syns lets hope it doesnt impact on tomorrows weigh :-/

Now im off to watch my silly ghost program and hit the hay early tonight for hopefully a better sleep, and hubbys home tomorrow too! Yaaaay!

HEA - 350ml skimmed milk
HEA - 40g half fat cheddar
HEB - 35g weetabix minis

Red onion

Left over quorn chilli

Velvet crunch  4
Beef supernoodles  10


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