Friday 29 March 2013

Weigh in day and fast forward results....


Well its friday and i had my weigh in this morning
I was there nice and early mainly because i wanted to get rid of the butterflies dancing around in my belly, i was beginning to feel slightly sick with nerves!
So i toddle up to the scales with some trepidation, close my eyes til i hear that beep, look down and.......


my biggest EVER  loss!!!

Im so happy that i do a little jig! I then dont tell my consultant what ive lost so she can have a nice surprise a bit later in image therapy! :-D

Im so so so so happy with everything ive achieved this week:

- my ability to stick with the plan even when temptation was right under my nose.

- realisation of where i have been going wrong the last few months in my portion control, big may work for some but my body prefers little and often which im fine with.

- that i have fantastic support around me both in and out of group. (I sort of already knew this though!)

- i have a lot more determination than i give myself credit for, other times i would have given up when times got tough but not this time.

Its been a really good day and i have a battle plan now for the rest of my journey.

Im 40lbs down and 67lbs to go, and only 2lbs away from my elusive 3st shiney, which i want before my hubby comes home in 20 odd days, hopefully a slightly easier ask than before now i know my strategy for moving forward and downwards!

So after my happy start to the day despite missing a call yet again from my hubby, i settle down once at home to a cheese toasty, hot cross bun and my easter duck (getting all my easter stuff out the way so i have more time to work full steam on plan!) and my new sw magazine and a loan copy of the taste of asia book, for some cooking inspiration and to write my shopping list for later.

Once squirts up from her nap we head to tesco...big mistake, anyone would think that the world was ending, not that the shops were shut for just once measly the hell must we have coped when all the shops were shut on a sunday...?!?! Oh thats right we used the other six days of the week to shop for stuff! I come out seriously stressed, peed off i cant get half the things i wanted, the shop looked like it had been attacked, there was hardly anything on produce, the queues were rediculous and to top it off when i came out some ass had run a trolley into the front bumper of my car! Grrrrrr!

Anyways once i finally got back to normality and the safety of my home i unpacked what little shopping i had and sat down for a coffee!

Tea tonight was warburtons sandwich thin pizzas, chips and beans. Already im noticing little changes as i would usually have had the wraps for 8 syns as they were bigger but actually the much smaller 5 and a half syns (i think) were just as filling, the small can of beans was just as good as a whole large can and 3 small potatoes for chips were much better sized than the 6 i would have used! See all positive changes!

I will be back on the usual sw plan tomorrow and will therefore be diary-ing it up properly along with my pic collage too!
But tonight i leave you with my fridge plaque and im off for a brew and to continue my mag and recipe book reading :-)

Night all ♥ xx


  1. well done zoe, 6.5 lbs is amazing!!! your well on your way.

  2. Thank you ever so much :-) im very chuffed with myself indeed xx

  3. I have been thinking about my portion sizes and feel that if they were smaller my journey would be quicker. Im at my third target but seem to stay in one place for ages. I stick to plan as if im still trying to lose. Smaller plates have been brought and are being used. Just need less food on them x Well done on 6.5 lbs down x

    1. It was the only thing left for me to try, i do the good food, follow the plan but i think i was taking free food to the extreme, keep at it and use ur smaller plates (with less food...easier said than done i know!) Good luck xx
