Wednesday 6 March 2013

Cardinal syns

Well i did a really stupid thing this morning, and i know everyone does it....i stood on my scales before weigh in instantly plunged me into a pit of dispair as the evil thing says ive gained 3lbs!!!!! Ok so i know i was a little (ok a lot!) Bad over the weekend but i have been good the last few days and ive been keeping active as well, walking during the day and then my wii work in the evening. Dont get me wrong i wasnt aiming for a loss this week because of the weekend but a maintain would have been great and i would have been ok with that. I dont say it very often but i was glad to be at work today to stop me from going on that downwards spiral of "to hell with it then"
Im more than aware the fact ive been active will probably play some part in it as i ache in the morning where ive been doin the weights, i drank about 4litres of water yesterday tho so im really hoping that it levels back out again for friday.
Anyways it inspired my to have a breakfast of pineapple, grapes and strawberries with a green tea and lemon.
I got ready to go drop my daughter off at nanny and grandads while im at work and because im still annoyed at the scales i forget my fleece which has all my work stuff in ... great start!
A cuppa at my folks and im ready for work, well sort of!

Lunch time rolls around and i have left over mushy pea curry and a brew but as i had left everything else behind theres no picture to accompany todays lunch, i also had 2 litres of water during my shift as well.

Back off to pick back up my girly and im hank marvin, so pinch one of my dads rice cakes to stave off the hunger as i wont be eating until later tonight after shes bathed and bedded amd obviously tea is cooked!

Tea tonight is quorn chilli with butternut squash chips, courgette and aubergine. It was supposed to be served in a giant pepper but the pepper collapsed lol
I make my chilli by softening off two chunky chopped onions, add in quorn mince, then a good shake of hot chilli powder, tinned toms and kidney beans in chilli sauce. Oven on and whack in the chopped veggies.
Now ive slightly booboo'd and im on a green day and ive only got one slice of wholemeal bread in the house but i dont have anything else for a healthy extra...naughty me!!! So il have a milky hot choc later before bed and have to miss out my others :( sad times! Must remember to pick up hifi bars in group friday!

For pud im having mango and the other half of the pineapple from this morning.

HEA - 350ml skimmed milk
HEB - 1 slice wholemeal bread

Tinned toms
Butternut squash
Giant pepper

Left over mushy pea curry
Chilli beans

Rice cake  1.5
Hot choc 2


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