Tuesday 26 March 2013

Evening all!!!

Sorry i couldnt think of a more witty, interesting or smart title lol, its so cold that i think my brain is beginning to become unfunctional! Brrrrrrrr!
Infact its that cold we had some white stuff falling out the skies this morning.

I found it soooo hard dragging my bum out of bed this morning, fresh hay is always a doozy to get out of especially when i was so warm and snug, but unfortunately my daughter wasnt having any of it and i had to get up just gone 7am, erghhhh!!!
So todays the first day ive got up and i dont have a fuzzy head and my hands arent shaking whhhooooooo! I may be finally coming out the otherside of the caffine pit!
Ooo i tried every one of my new teas between posting last night and breakfast, and actually they are all really nice, all flavours i wouldnt usually pick but i found them very light and refreshing :-)

Breakfast this morning was weetabix and the other half of my grape fruit and managed to stealth in a small coffee from my left over milk, it was out of this world and i enjoyed every single velvety sip that warmed my belly! I was back in a happy place again.

Now i was supposed to be going for a walk and play in our local woods with my sis in law but as it decided to start snowing and it was bitterly cold, i decided it probably wasnt the best idea and instead plumped for a day playing silly games indoors...seriously sun you need to make an appearance like NOW!!!!

Lunch today was a watercress and chicken sandwich with french fries and my veg selection today was green beans, went down so well and was really scrummy, im getting used to these smaller portions and having a drink at every meal as well, infact i seem to be constantly drinking something. I did however make the mistake of buying no added sugar dandelion and burdock and then remembered that i dont actually like it lol silly girl!!!

Me and squirt decided to settle down and watch Nemo for a bit and then i went off to make her dinner...of which she ate none :-( i had lovingly made fish pie, stealthed in some veg and she didnt even lick the spoon, annoyed was a bit of an understatement and when she finally went to bed she didnt even want the fruit i offered so im assuming she was full up still or not hungry as she never turns down fruit. I wish i had her mentality of if shes not hungry she wont eat, not mine which is oh well its dinner time spose i better eat something!

So my dinner time rolled round and i think i made a bad choice for tea tonight, i wanted something hot but instead tonight was jacket potato, cheese and salad. Not very warming at all and im currently shivering lol.

I shall look forward to my hot choc, 2 choc fingers and my nice warm bed again in a bit after The Big Bang Theory finishes as ive got work again tomorrow, wednesday again already where did the week go?!??!!? I also promise that i will get a blog up tomorrow after recieving a lovely message this morning saying i was a star for blogging and helping others...made my day :-) ♥

Night all xx

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