Monday 29 April 2013

Sunday Lazy Day :-)

So im writing this monday morning woopsy, but i just didnt have time last night, we were over my folks and by the time i got in it was bed time as hubby had to be up stupid early this morning (and succeeded in waking me up as well)

So yesterday was an extra easy day for me, and actually a good day, thats two days in a row which is a revelation to me, and todays shaping up to be ok as well.

We started off the day with a big fat grill up. Two tesco healthy living sausages, which were the 1/2 syns ones, bacon medallions, mushrooms, small tinned tomatoes, 1/2 small can beans, a red onion and a big fat cuppa! It was the perfect way to start a sunday morning and i really do look forward to having one.

After a quick shower and construction of my lunch we were off to my mum and dads for the day. I took my lunch up with me as my mum usually does goregous crusty white rolls, or naughty stuff for lunch so figured doing that id avoid temptation!
And i was right, white rolls and macoys crisps (my fave!) Vs my prawn salad with prawn cocktail hoops and crosses and a ww lemon tart yogurt.... phew prior preps meant a good lunch for me! However i was mighty disppointed with the crisps, the roast beef and salt and vinegar ones are absolutely lush, the prawn cocktail ones were a complete letdown...seems to be the theme of trying new stuff this week....not at all prawny more like tomato sauce flavoured!!! This makes me very very sad! :-( so i had a slice of garlic sausage to get rid of the taste for a syn instead lol.
I also added in a pint of nas squash and a couple of glasses of diet coke.

Afternoon snackage consisted of two hifi lights, one rocky road and one caramel and a cuppa while hubby and my bro were out playing golf. Few runs around in the garden and squirt playing on her new slide i needed warming up and that hit the spot.

I then had to make squirts tea, (ours was going to be cooked too late past her teatime) tonights experiment following on the success of the wiggly spaghetti yesterday i thought we would try gammon carbonara with homemade cheese sauce. My first ever attempt of homemade sauce! Lovely butter, cheese, milk and flour...opposite of sw friendly!!! But good for squirt who needs to put on a bit of weight after bein so ill, theres not many two year olds that could fit in to 9-12 clothes....
However i confess to trying a teaspoon to make sure it was cheesey enough so im hazarding a guess at 3syns. Bloomin lovely if i may say so myself! The fact that it took her nearly three hours of grazing on it to eat it i didnt take personally lol. Far too many other distractions to eat all in one go!

Now all i could smell was the slow roasting of a gorgeous leg of lamb in the oven, served up with brocoli, carrots, peas, parsnips, roastys in frylight, and 2 syns of gravy. It was gorgeous, i do love a good roast at my mums she has a bit of a talent in the kitchen even if im a bit biased!

Two hours catch up with Revolution and two pints of water later and it was time to go home, i decided i was going to end my night with some strawberries and cherries with a raspberry shape yog over as i needed something sweet, the choc cravings were poking through and this was a lot better of a choice!

Finally it was bed time and the start of a new week again...where is the time going!?!

HEA - 350ml skimmed milk
HEB - 2 hifi light

Tinned tomatoes
Lambs lettuce
Plum toms
Red cabbage
Alfalfa shoots
More carrots

Lentil and pea shoots
Lemon tart ww yog
Lamb no fat
Frylight roast potatoes
Shape raspberry yogurt

2 sausages  1
Garlic sausage  1
Hoops and crosses crisps  4
Gravy  2
Tsp cheese sauce  3


Fb page slimming world style ♥

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