Tuesday 9 April 2013

Double whammy!

Heehee i apologise for the lack of bloggage yesterday evening, as i spent the evening catching up watching Made In Chelsea...i know i know dire but true! I kinda like the lifestyle in a weird way but not the ponsyness, its a bit of a giggle none the less and i will shamefully be watching more tonight as im starting from series one again... so i thought id get the blog in in a oner whilst squirt is nattering to ducks in the bath and trying to put rings on her head!!! Totally my child lol ;-)

Anyways yesterdays day started with a bagel, cherry tomatoes and quark topping...im determined to have a good day on FF and i drink enough herbal tea i think to keep Twinnings in business for the next twenty years!

A quick trip to Asda to get lil lady a new peppa pig cup and plate with her birthday money as the others are old and well lets face it dont have a piggy on them...

Lunch time rolls round and i have reduced fat cheese, whole bread and make it into a lovely toasty. I add cheese and onion french fries, delish!

My snack later on was a crumpet and jam, will miss this back on plan as its just too many syns to have on a snack

Tea was prawn stirfry with a massive pile of mangetout, it had some noodles  pepper, onion, baby sweetcorn and brocoli in and cooked in a bit of soy sauce.

Pud was a bit of a treat in cherries and raspberrys with fromage frais and a hot choc, i also sadly had the rest of the choc fingers :-( boohoo! However now it means i have a spare point to use if i want but to be fair im pretty full most of the time now once im actually doing this properly and not eating stuff i shouldnt!

Today was weetabix, half a grapefruit and milk (on the weetabix not the grapefruit)

I then spent three hours and nearly 600 calories walking around town with the sis in law and my neice and nephews. Ive downloaded the endo something tracker which works alongside my fitness pal which ive also been recording all my food in and will continue to back on plan so i dont over eat!
Not too shoddy for a mornings work!

Lunch was wholemeal bread and beans with a plum as my satsuma have gone mouldy :-( and some french fries, again copius amounts of herbal teas.

Then the lovely crumpet and jam nommers....

Tea tonight is a jacket potato with cucumber, tomatoes, salad leaves and a squirt of balsamic dressing oh and brussell sprouts!! then i get to enjoy a hot choc, jelly pot and strawberries later! According to my fitlog altho this sounds like loads of food its actually under 1200 cals a day! Infact yesterday it told me i hadnt consumed enough calories! Good job this plan is only recommended for short times and under supervision!
Altho sw is not about the calorie counting at all, i have a serious tendancy to overeat so its something i will be looking at in the future....

Right time to get my wrinkly prune of a child out the bath and on to more trashy telly lol night all xx

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