Sunday 7 April 2013

Fat Sunday :-(

Its that time of the day again, another blog post by yours truely and to be honest im kind of pouting at myself today. I had such a good start to the day and all went downhill from about 4:30pm.

I shall start at the beginning!

So another lovely morning albeit a little fresher than yesterday!
We had a lay in til 8am, i definitely think the blankets at the windows are makinh squirt sleep better.
We get up and i make her bacon and toast and i tuck into wholemeal toast, jam and a banana with a lemon and green tea and a big glass of squash (fast forward followed to the T again) and as its a lovely day we decide to go for a walk to the beach and go play on the swings and slides at the park. She has great fun running up the steps, playing peekaboo and whooshing down the slides until you always get that one kid whos determined to play on the baby park even though they are 13! And later on he was followed by his dad, so we decided to play "catch you" all the way along the common back towards home instead. Catch you is basically running away from her and her screeching and laughing until she catches up with me, we have to play this where ever we go and around the flat before bath time! It can also include hiding behind trees! Anyways it was great fun and we were out a good two hours playing around. Hopefully a good bit of body magic there! And i glugged a litre of water whilst out as well.

Lunch time rolled round and i had chicken and water cress sarnies, lemon and green tea and another big glass of squash and then it was nap time for lil one while i enjoyed a long chat with hubby on the phone. Hes back on board again after a night off and out to sea this week ahead so il not hear much from him so it was nice to get a 40 minute call. ♥

Eventually lil miss woke up and she got to chat to daddy too, she keeps saying "daddy ship" everytime she talks to him or we go to the beach bless her, cant wait to take her to watch him come in in less than two weeks now!
Well i had to make her dinner and i deserve a big fat slap for nabbing a couple of chips and a nugget :-( bad bad zoe!
However while she tucked into fruit and a couple of munch bunch for pud i had my jam and crumpet and cup of raspberry tea. This sort of subsided the munchies temporarily.

However after realising i needed to take my heap of crud car for a spin as i hadnt used it today (otherwise it wouldnt start tomo as theres something wrong with it but noone can work out what!) My thoughts turned to tea and to be perfectly honest i just didnt want the miniscule chicken roast that was on the menu for tea tonight. I wanted comfort food and i wanted chips and beans! So i decided thats just what i was going to have along with a warburtons sandwich thin pizza (cheese and tomato puree) and ok so its not the most horrendos food i could have eaten but it was off the FF plan. However it went down so well and took away everything i was craving!

I shall be back on track again tomorrow i dont know what has got into me the last couple of weeks, i had my fantastic loss and then i seem hell bent on putting it all back on!
I need to learn to break this self destruct circle that i seem to have going on....why cant i be one of these determined and steadfast people who never deviate from their goals?! It annoys the hell out of me! Its all good in the theory of it, i know where i want to be and how to get there...i just dont do it and i cant understand why?! I once said to my hubby that i self destruct my diet because if i was thin then id have nothing else to do or focus on! Maybe theres some truth in that... stupid thing is i know i would be alot happier and healthier slimmer!

Well tomorrow is another day and i will endeveour to try again as trying is all i can do.


1 comment:

  1. Love your blog Zoe, no-one said this is easy (think thats a John Lennon lyric!) - some days are just fine and I think we have to just keep that focus. I have had a couple of days like you and I know why for me - not planning far enough ahead. Found a lovely website by accident as I was searching for SW Meatball pasta...its on you tube too...great for ideas.. mag hasnt hit our shops yet (it features in this months SW mag..). I know you will be ok as I am just the same, and i also talk of nothing else, it does my head in too !! xx
