Thursday 11 April 2013

Just a quick one tonight! :-)

Evening all! Firstly thanks to everyone whos following on my fb page, ive been very priviledged to hit 100 likes which is amazing! Who would have thought when i started doing this that id have that kind of an audience...not me!!!

Today has been such a busy and head fluffy day full of meetings and work books that i just want to go to sleep, so its just a short one tonight as i dont really have much to ramble about to be fair! Ive not even really eaten alot due to these workshops.

Breakfast was a bagel and quark topped with cherry tomatoes and a cuppa ... think it was vanilla this time!

Time for work and after what seemed like a life time of trying to implant information in my extremely holey head it was lunch time! One small wholemeal pitta, feta and a pack of french fries, i couldnt even drag myself to go on shop floor to buy lettuce and more tomatoes!

Back out to work and a bit more training shoved in for extra measure and it was hometime.

After picking up squirt, bathing and bedding her i sat down to peruse fb whilst eating an absolutely vile ready meal of chicken and pasta. How u can screw that meal up is beyond me! Hot choc is on the way and so is my bed and its not even dark! How rock and roll am i!?!?

Please pray to the SW gods that i maintain or have a gain under 2lbs tomorrow!

Hopefully a more interesting blog for you tomorrow i do aplogise.


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