Saturday 13 April 2013

A few woopsies!

I need to get some glasses or properly pre check my blogs i think, as not only did i write i had hot choc last night and not add it into my syns at the bottom (now totalling 16.5syns!) But the lovely Karen has pointed out i wrote 45g of reduced fat cheese instead of 40g which i did actually have. So im very sorry and endevour to make less mistakes in future!

Right on to today and the first day of a week of potential diet sabotage!

I got up early this morning and decided that i would have a big brekki so that i wasnt tempted by any naughties or cake or sandwiches etc when i was out later that morning, yes pre planning is the way ahead!
So i shoved in the oven a couple of the newly synned tesco healthy living sausages, the new packets have been resynned at 1/2 syn a sausage, this makes me very very happy as these are the best "diet friendly" sausages ive tasted from a supermarket. I added a couple of big mushrooms, 2 slices of fat removed bacon  small tin of beans (which i some of these were hawked by my small person who has a bean fetish (like her mum!) and finally a handful of cherry tomatoes which exploded in the oven. All washed down with a big cuppa!

After a shower and shoving on some washing we made our way to the marina to meet a friend and her little girl for lunch, a good couple of hours was spent talking about the kids, our husbands and their ship, upcoming deployments etc with just a diet coke! I stepped away from the cakes, big brunches and garlic bread. I only fell foul of 4 small chips so im synning at 2 to be on the safe side.

After we returned home i made another coffee and heated up some of the noodles i made last night, had some raspberries and a greek muller with 2 hazelnut mikados that id frozen yesterday...nom nom nom. Oh and a couple of fruit teas to warm up!

For tea tonight i decided to treat myself to a steak as they are half price in Tesco at the mo, by the time id trimmed off all the fat i was left with possibly the smallest steak in the world but it was really tender. I had another couple of big mushrooms, a small tin of beans (see bean fetish too!) a courgette and red onion and 3 small potatoes for sw chips. It was delicious, ive not had steak in forever as its just too expensive so i only ever buy it when its on offer. So a proper luxurious tea for me! :-)

Now im going to pause my blog as ive realised ive not had my B choice today and im going to look through my sw bible to see if i have anything in the cupboards i can use instead of bread.......... stay tuned........

Eeeek excitement im going to have 55g of reduced fat houmous and some carrot sticks for my snack later oooo how exciting!! Seriously rock and roll for a saturday night! And if im living dangerously i may crack open some strawberries that need eating...yeah im living dangerous!!

Right im off to wrap presents and get an early night as i have a christening to go to in the morning woohoo! :-)

Extra Easy Day

HEA - 350ml skimmed milk
HEB - 55g reduced fat houmous

Cherry toms
All the veggie parts of my noodles ;)
Red Onion
Carrot sticks


2 x healthy living sausages  1
Muller Greek   1/2
2 mikado   1
4 chips    2

TOTAL    4.5syns

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