Tuesday 26 February 2013

Big Kid Day Out & Muller Munchies!

Due to a poor teething toddler who always sleeps more when shes poorly, we all managed a lay in this morning until nearly 9...wahoo! Same brekki again for me again this morning of my muesli and yogurt and half a melon, coffee as always was required!

Today we are off to our local soft play which i absolutely love (bit of body magic), a chance to be a massive kid again and throw myself down slides and through giant rollers! After 3hours of climbing into spaces far too small for any adult, conquering giant balls, having wrestling matches and generally running around like a lunatic, i was due a large (and free due to my full up loyalty card) cuppa, whilst drinking i was sat there positively drooling as Chris munched on an absolutely amazeballs looking chelsea bun but i resisted and he told me he was really proud of my will power! Score one to me...however i did fall foul of 6 pesky french fry chips leftover from Leahs lunch which im synning on the safe side of 2syns as 100g was 6.5syns nowhere near the amount i had and i would rather over syn than under. I must conciously remember to not graze my daughters leftovers, its a really bad habit ive got myself into that needs breaking asap! grrrrr!!! More running up slippery slopes, flying on rope things and sliding it was home time and i was positively starving, so stopping at Tesco on the way home and grabbed some mango prepacks and race back home for my lunch.

It was my even better tasting veggy soup with my 2nd HeB of 3 chilli ryvita again and a pack of the mango... delish then about an hour later a pt nas squash, the other pack of mango and a 1/2 strawberry greek frozen muller yog.Need to catch up abit on the water front today with only one glass drunk but having the 2litre bottle permanently in the fridge it is going everyday so i know im having at least that amount in a day which is really good for me as some days i could go all day on just two cuppas!

The best thing i love about SW above all other eating plans, diet, blah blah is the fact that everyone can embrace the healthy eating of it, my daughter absolutley demolishes the majority of the meals, except the really spicy ones of course, and tonight was no exception, the only difference is we had lasagne and she had spaghetti bolagnese, using all the same sauce. Packet of mince, i used the less than 12% one and depending on some sources its ok to drain the fat off whilst cooking and not syn, some say you have to syn even if you drain it off so i go somewhere in the middle, always drain it and still syn it, 3syns per 100g...best of both worlds then! Onion chopped, 4cloves of garlic, half a ttube of tom puree, tinned toms, basil passata, peppers and mushrooms, n a splash of dark soy sauce and sprinkle of sweetner, it tends to balance out the sharpness of the tomatoes. For my white sauce i whisk one egg and add to a tub of fromage frais and a good grind of pepper, layer sauce, pasta sheets and white sauce then top with a HEA cheese scrummers :-) all for 3syns for my portion. I also had one bite of a cheese and pesto twist at about a syn. Whilst munching my tea i log on here to see my silly blabbering on has has 420 views since it started just 5 days ago and viewed in 6 different countries! Amazing!!! ♥

For pud im having two muller greeks at a syn for both and continuing to swim my way through my bottle of water too.

Now as Chris is off seeing his dad im treating myself to a hot bubble bath and some One Tree Hill!

Total syns 7.5


  1. Love your blog but how do I like your page so that u come up on my newsfeed

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  3. I think you can follow me on here if u go on my blogger profile and add to circle, my actual fb page i tend to keep as just ppl i know unfortunately, i am thinking of setting up a seperate page tho with my blog on, but thanks ever so much for reading :-)

  4. I have now started a facebook "like" page, slimming world style so come like and follow me on there x
