Saturday 23 February 2013

background check!

Hi there people!

So ive decided to start a blog up, inspired by others who are doing so well in their diet journeys, to help me lose weight too and reach my final goal and target weight! Im hoping that blogging will keep me on track and celebrate my successes!

Right a little history:

This is my second journey on Slimming World (SW) i first tried the diet with huge success in 2009 and lost a very respectable 5st 7lbs in about 18 months with still a few stone to go, then fell pregnant with my daughter and stopped going... BIG mistake! I was really sick throughout my pregnancy and found comfort in toast and stodge, fruit and vegetables made me sick as they caused heartburn like nothing ive ever known and i regained every single pound i had lost. Sob sob!

So about 6 months after my daughter was born, on a cold day in november 2011 i took a brave pill (on the end of a fabby struggle with Post Natal Depression) and rejoined SW again with everything still to lose! I worked out i needed to lose 8 stone to be in my healthy BMI range.  I joined a very lovely group in Southsea and immediately felt really welcome, lost my first half stone in 3 weigh ins and was doing really well, but come june last year i reached my 2 and a half stone award and i seem to have got stuck since, i cant seem to get past 2stone 11lbs and everytime i do, i have something that happens and i go back up again! Its the most frustrating thing ever and im determined to kick myself up the bum and get cracking with this weightloss!

I have an big incentives alongside being healthy and slim etc, my very good friend has asked me to be a bridemaid in 2015 and ive promised my husband we wont have more children until im healthier due to complications during my pregnancy and labour. My husband is in the Navy and is deploying in a few months time for 10 months nearly so its a perfect opportunity to slim down while hes away without the temptations he lovingly waves in my face on a regular basis! Bless him! So i have everything to play for!

Im not the most techologically advanced person so hopefully this will work ok and will hopefully be a success!

Stats to bring you up to date:

Last weigh in weight lost 2st 6lbs (after a very undeserved +5lbs on at group on friday!)

So here goes! :-) 

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