Monday 25 February 2013

Swimsuit Mission :-/ and a confession!

Ahhh lay in for me today woohoo! Woken up to a bouncing child and a cuppa really is lovely!
Well after my brekki of half a melon and my HeB of 35g of Jordans Muesli and a spoon of ff rhubarb and vanilla yogurt, i set off on a mission to Asda to find me a new swimsuit for today (always a traumatic mission as my body seems too long for conventional swimsuits and with my bangers added in for extra complications!) my old one is about three sizes to big and falls down and my only back up is a bikini which is a deffo no go at the mo, faaaaaaaar too many wobbly bits, however if swimsuit mission fails il have to wear that and a tshirt :-( i dont understand how difficult it is to for people to make a swimsuit for tall people with funny dimensions!
Wish me luck!

Oh and a slight confession after posting yesterday i had 10syns of popcorn whilst watching a very pants Unstoppable, still under my limit...just.... but i had to confess :-)

So after a trip to Asda with no luck on the traumatic swimsuit search, i end up in Sainsbury, all very well but they have no fitting rooms, a very helpful lady rummaged for a couple of suits for me and then said my best bet was to buy one and then try it on in the toilets outside and if it didnt fit return it and pick up a different one and repeat this procedure til i found on that fits!!! Lucky me! Actually for once it was lucky me as i managed to find one on the first go, however changing in a public loo is not something i care to repeat anytime soon!! Only good side was there was 25% off so i got a bargain!
When i got home i was a little bit peckish so microwaved a bowl of my veggie soup and sprinkled over 40g of reduced fat cheddar, one of my HeAs,and my HeB of ryvita followed by a pint of nas squash and a handful of strawberries....its swim swim time!

Swimming was a lot of fun, only trouble was the pool wasnt that warm so Leah got cold really quick, but we had fun splashing around for an hour or so, afterwards i had a quick snack of a diet coke, 1 mini bread stick for 1/2syn, slice of ham and a packet of carrot batons and made our way up to my folks for lamb roast round two! Dont have lamb for weeks and then two days on the trot happy days :-)

Scrum dinner up the folks as usual, had my second tasty lamb roast, this time with carrots, garlic cabbage, cauliflower, roastys, a yorkie pud for 3syns and a minute 1syn splash of gravy. I also had half a tiger roll for 6syns to gravy dunk. 2pts of nas squash topped off with a couple of brews completes my day!

Total syns 10.5 and a promise i wont be scoffing more popcorn tonight :)

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