Thursday 28 February 2013

Pre-Weigh Munchies and Lamb...again opsy!

Hello All!

Thursdays are my early shift at work and i have to try and sneak out the house at 0645 without waking anyone up, so last night i thought i would precook me some breakfast and tried a recipe i had seen on The Slimming World Files blog for rice pudding.  I poured some pudding rice into a pan and added enough diet cream soda to cover it and simmered until the rice was soft, I then added 25g of sultanas for 3.5 syns. All tubbed up and ready to go by the door in the morning.  I arrived at work bleary eyed and annoyed at the majority of the road users who cant drive, its a real bug bear of mine when people drive in the fast lane when the slow lane is free and refuse to move over so I can go past, absolutley drives me nuts! Anyway i pour myself a big brew and sit down to my cold pudding, its nice, no ambrosia mind you and i think it would be better if i had added a vanilla yogurt to make it a bit more creamy but it was filling and set me up for the morning ahead.

After a few hours of again being polite to the public, which was a real test today, it was lunch time and i finished up the last of my soup and had bought two prepacks of mango to much as well as another brew, hopefully as it is shopping day tomorrow i will be able to come up with some more interesting lunches for you next week! After my shift i go home and spend the next couple of hours playing with little un and tidying up, realising im desperately needing to spring clean soon plenty of body magic coming up with that as i have carpets that need steaming and windows that need washing (one whole side of my flat is floor to ceiling glass and Leah loves sticking her hands up all over them!)

Tonights tea is not entirely sure how this happened, i have hand on heart never eaten so much lamb lol well tonight was lamb medallions which were absolutley delish and had not a scrap of fat on them, just griddled them until lightly pink in the centre.....mmmmm!!! with it we had mash 1/2 syn for some flora extra light and a little dash of milk from my HeA allowance, sweetcorn, carrots, courgette, leek, mangetout, cauliflower and broccoli. I decided to have my second HeA of 40g of half fat cheese over the top and it was lovely.

I spent the rest of the evening sorting out bills and other fun stuff before having a lovely mug of lemon and green tea and 2 muller greek yogs for 1 syn.
Tomorrow is weigh in day for me and every thursday evening i seem to come down with an attack of the munchies, its a common thing with everyone in my group as well as we have frequent conversations on our SW page, i think its because you know you have no more days to redeem yourself if you have a pig out, but in the back of your head all you want is a takeaway or chocolate or crisps, all those bad things which would probably sabotage your weigh in! im keeping my mind off the munchies by watching silly ghost hunting programs on telly and an early night...i want a good loss tomorrow...WISH ME LUCK!!!

Total 5 syns

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Working :-(

So wednesdays i have to unfortunately work boohoo, 7hrs of blipping on a till is great fun ;-) however we managed to sneak a lie in again this morning until 9, then i had to quickly scoff down my breakfast of a rather repetative theme to which i must apologise but its the week before payday and its a case of cheap as i can get! Stroll on friday for a big shop and some variety, of which SW is all about! So melon and muesli is was with a cuppa to get me ready for my shift at work.

After an interesting ride to work involving bridges of burning tractor and a few hours of smiling sweetly to customers it was lunchtime, again another pot of soup, my 2nd HEB of ryvita, a big punnet of raspberries and a bottle of water.

Finally it was time to go home and we have had my brother and his girlfriend over for tea tonight. On the menu was Thai Green Curry, one of my fave meals ever! I made theirs the traditional way with coconut milk and other yummy and fattening ingredients while mine was chicken, okra, mushrooms, spring onion, mange tout, with 2syns of Thai Green Paste, simmer til cooked and then remove off the heat and add a coconut muller light, stir and serve. They had theirs with rice and i had a bed of beansprouts, all success express friendly and extremely delish, and as a treat i had 18g of sensations lime and coriander mini popadums for 4.5syns too very tasty.  For pud i had a muller greek 0.5syns (shocker!)

Im going to attempt to make some rice pudding for brekki tomorrow as im on early shift and try to sneak out the house not waking anyone. If it works i shall report back tomorrow
Right im off to bed all so goodnight xx

Total 7syns

Tuesday 26 February 2013


All you lovely wonderful people following me and wanting to not miss my posts (bless you!) Ive created a facebook like page where i will be posting all my blogs as well so if you enjoy reading then please come like my page and never miss another post you lucky lucky things! :-)


Big Kid Day Out & Muller Munchies!

Due to a poor teething toddler who always sleeps more when shes poorly, we all managed a lay in this morning until nearly 9...wahoo! Same brekki again for me again this morning of my muesli and yogurt and half a melon, coffee as always was required!

Today we are off to our local soft play which i absolutely love (bit of body magic), a chance to be a massive kid again and throw myself down slides and through giant rollers! After 3hours of climbing into spaces far too small for any adult, conquering giant balls, having wrestling matches and generally running around like a lunatic, i was due a large (and free due to my full up loyalty card) cuppa, whilst drinking i was sat there positively drooling as Chris munched on an absolutely amazeballs looking chelsea bun but i resisted and he told me he was really proud of my will power! Score one to me...however i did fall foul of 6 pesky french fry chips leftover from Leahs lunch which im synning on the safe side of 2syns as 100g was 6.5syns nowhere near the amount i had and i would rather over syn than under. I must conciously remember to not graze my daughters leftovers, its a really bad habit ive got myself into that needs breaking asap! grrrrr!!! More running up slippery slopes, flying on rope things and sliding it was home time and i was positively starving, so stopping at Tesco on the way home and grabbed some mango prepacks and race back home for my lunch.

It was my even better tasting veggy soup with my 2nd HeB of 3 chilli ryvita again and a pack of the mango... delish then about an hour later a pt nas squash, the other pack of mango and a 1/2 strawberry greek frozen muller yog.Need to catch up abit on the water front today with only one glass drunk but having the 2litre bottle permanently in the fridge it is going everyday so i know im having at least that amount in a day which is really good for me as some days i could go all day on just two cuppas!

The best thing i love about SW above all other eating plans, diet, blah blah is the fact that everyone can embrace the healthy eating of it, my daughter absolutley demolishes the majority of the meals, except the really spicy ones of course, and tonight was no exception, the only difference is we had lasagne and she had spaghetti bolagnese, using all the same sauce. Packet of mince, i used the less than 12% one and depending on some sources its ok to drain the fat off whilst cooking and not syn, some say you have to syn even if you drain it off so i go somewhere in the middle, always drain it and still syn it, 3syns per of both worlds then! Onion chopped, 4cloves of garlic, half a ttube of tom puree, tinned toms, basil passata, peppers and mushrooms, n a splash of dark soy sauce and sprinkle of sweetner, it tends to balance out the sharpness of the tomatoes. For my white sauce i whisk one egg and add to a tub of fromage frais and a good grind of pepper, layer sauce, pasta sheets and white sauce then top with a HEA cheese scrummers :-) all for 3syns for my portion. I also had one bite of a cheese and pesto twist at about a syn. Whilst munching my tea i log on here to see my silly blabbering on has has 420 views since it started just 5 days ago and viewed in 6 different countries! Amazing!!! ♥

For pud im having two muller greeks at a syn for both and continuing to swim my way through my bottle of water too.

Now as Chris is off seeing his dad im treating myself to a hot bubble bath and some One Tree Hill!

Total syns 7.5

Monday 25 February 2013

Swimsuit Mission :-/ and a confession!

Ahhh lay in for me today woohoo! Woken up to a bouncing child and a cuppa really is lovely!
Well after my brekki of half a melon and my HeB of 35g of Jordans Muesli and a spoon of ff rhubarb and vanilla yogurt, i set off on a mission to Asda to find me a new swimsuit for today (always a traumatic mission as my body seems too long for conventional swimsuits and with my bangers added in for extra complications!) my old one is about three sizes to big and falls down and my only back up is a bikini which is a deffo no go at the mo, faaaaaaaar too many wobbly bits, however if swimsuit mission fails il have to wear that and a tshirt :-( i dont understand how difficult it is to for people to make a swimsuit for tall people with funny dimensions!
Wish me luck!

Oh and a slight confession after posting yesterday i had 10syns of popcorn whilst watching a very pants Unstoppable, still under my limit...just.... but i had to confess :-)

So after a trip to Asda with no luck on the traumatic swimsuit search, i end up in Sainsbury, all very well but they have no fitting rooms, a very helpful lady rummaged for a couple of suits for me and then said my best bet was to buy one and then try it on in the toilets outside and if it didnt fit return it and pick up a different one and repeat this procedure til i found on that fits!!! Lucky me! Actually for once it was lucky me as i managed to find one on the first go, however changing in a public loo is not something i care to repeat anytime soon!! Only good side was there was 25% off so i got a bargain!
When i got home i was a little bit peckish so microwaved a bowl of my veggie soup and sprinkled over 40g of reduced fat cheddar, one of my HeAs,and my HeB of ryvita followed by a pint of nas squash and a handful of strawberries....its swim swim time!

Swimming was a lot of fun, only trouble was the pool wasnt that warm so Leah got cold really quick, but we had fun splashing around for an hour or so, afterwards i had a quick snack of a diet coke, 1 mini bread stick for 1/2syn, slice of ham and a packet of carrot batons and made our way up to my folks for lamb roast round two! Dont have lamb for weeks and then two days on the trot happy days :-)

Scrum dinner up the folks as usual, had my second tasty lamb roast, this time with carrots, garlic cabbage, cauliflower, roastys, a yorkie pud for 3syns and a minute 1syn splash of gravy. I also had half a tiger roll for 6syns to gravy dunk. 2pts of nas squash topped off with a couple of brews completes my day!

Total syns 10.5 and a promise i wont be scoffing more popcorn tonight :)

Sunday 24 February 2013

Golf Widow Sunday

My sunday starts at a rather early 7:15am thanks to my daughters singing of "muuuummmmmmmmmy" until i get up, serious coffee injection required as we sit and watch various kiddy programs and daddy snores away still :)

As its sunday i wanted a bit of a grill up but have to wait for Chris to drag himself out of bed, so me and the fruit monster share a pineapple whilst snuggled under a blanket watching 'little princess'.
While a lot of people spend their sunday morning hanging, finding out where they slept last night or rolling over in bed and finding a kebab stuck to their head, im making a big vat of soup for my lunches this week as we have a lot of days out coming up as its Chris' last week of leave for over a year :-( and need something quick and filling to keep me from nibbling! So veggie soup me up! Carrots, swede, leeks, onions, cabbage, potatoes, parsnip and stock all whizzed up nom nom!

Finally Chris drags his bum out of bed and i manage to get my grill up of sorts, while he has a massive pre-golf brekki of sausages, bacon, mushrooms, two toasts, egg, beans and brown sauce, i make do with two fat trimmed off bacon slices, an oven roasted onion, cherry toms and a spoon of beans with a lemon green tea! Still on the Success Express Train...choo choo! :-)

Lunch was my bowl of soup, with 3 chilli ryvitas as my 1st HeB washed down with a pint of lemon nas squash, followed by a ww yog which has been frozen (my ultimate way of eating yogs!) And a handful of strawberries. I spent the morning cleaning and jigging around with Leah in the front room like a loon to Viva Chooooooons!

Late afternoon i tuck in to a warming cuppa and what was going to be a whole banana but turned into half a banana as the fruit princess snaffled the other half. Im having a serious hungry afternoon, maybe due to a bit of boredom so im halving my second HeB and having 2 original ryvita with marmite and making a lemon cheesecake style pud with an alpen light for my other half for pud tonight.

So with golf finally over we head up to my sis in laws and her partners for a good old sunday roast...delish, lamb, sprouts, carrots, sweetcorn, roasty tattys and a cheeky parsnip with 2syns of gravy. My cheesecake style pud is quark mixed with a white options sachet 2syns and some sweetner all mixed together and put on top of a lemon alpen light yum yum maybe a cheeky topping of mini meringues, 5 for half a syn! Some more lemon green tea finishes my day off.

Total syns 4.5 :-)

Saturday 23 February 2013

A day on Success Express

So this week i am going all success express after my disaster of a weigh in on friday! Those of you on sw may know a bit about this plan as its now given out in the welcome packs, its basically 1/3 free food (meat, potatoes, pasta, rice etc) and 2/3 superfree (ur veg and fruit etc) with 2HeA's and 2HeB's options and anything that has a varied syn value has to be synned at the highest value, eg a sausage thats 4syns on red and 7syns on green has to be taken as 7syns. All snackage has to be superfree as well!

So i started my day off with a lay in and was woken by hubby with a big old cuppa to get me started, i then had 35g of jordan's muesli and tesco fat free rhubarb and vanilla yogurt with half a melon and half a punnet of strawberries which i had to fight with my daughter whilst eating as shes the fruit queen!

We decided to hit Staunton Country Park for a wander round the animals in the cold which later on decided to bung a bit of snow in for fun and i sat huddled in a corner eating a cold tub of cold giant cous cous and roasted veg (courgette mushrooms onion and aubergine) and a big bottle of nas squash. After being chased and harrassed by chickens and turning blue round the edges we came home.

Whilst the hubby decided to have a really snorey power nap i decided to learn how to do a blog lol and snuffled up another big coffee to warm up, a frozen ww yog and some more strawberries. Im also upping my drink count this week as ive seriously been slacking so theres a 2ltr bottle of water in my fridge door for me to get through as well :-) pee like a racehorse much?!

Tea tonight is Paella, but i dont have alot of paella rice in so im adding in some bulgar wheat and quinoa as well as peas, peppers, courgette, mushrooms, prawns and chicken. Mixed altogether in hot chicken stock, some paprika and turmeric nom nom and as im SE-ing il add on some green beans and mangetout! Now some serious decisions at the what to have for some syns this evening as it seems to be a rare occassion ive not had any! Ive settled with 2 muller greek yogs for 1syn and a 3syn hot choc before bed :)

Total syns 4

Time to fully explore this blog malarky and see what happens :)

background check!

Hi there people!

So ive decided to start a blog up, inspired by others who are doing so well in their diet journeys, to help me lose weight too and reach my final goal and target weight! Im hoping that blogging will keep me on track and celebrate my successes!

Right a little history:

This is my second journey on Slimming World (SW) i first tried the diet with huge success in 2009 and lost a very respectable 5st 7lbs in about 18 months with still a few stone to go, then fell pregnant with my daughter and stopped going... BIG mistake! I was really sick throughout my pregnancy and found comfort in toast and stodge, fruit and vegetables made me sick as they caused heartburn like nothing ive ever known and i regained every single pound i had lost. Sob sob!

So about 6 months after my daughter was born, on a cold day in november 2011 i took a brave pill (on the end of a fabby struggle with Post Natal Depression) and rejoined SW again with everything still to lose! I worked out i needed to lose 8 stone to be in my healthy BMI range.  I joined a very lovely group in Southsea and immediately felt really welcome, lost my first half stone in 3 weigh ins and was doing really well, but come june last year i reached my 2 and a half stone award and i seem to have got stuck since, i cant seem to get past 2stone 11lbs and everytime i do, i have something that happens and i go back up again! Its the most frustrating thing ever and im determined to kick myself up the bum and get cracking with this weightloss!

I have an big incentives alongside being healthy and slim etc, my very good friend has asked me to be a bridemaid in 2015 and ive promised my husband we wont have more children until im healthier due to complications during my pregnancy and labour. My husband is in the Navy and is deploying in a few months time for 10 months nearly so its a perfect opportunity to slim down while hes away without the temptations he lovingly waves in my face on a regular basis! Bless him! So i have everything to play for!

Im not the most techologically advanced person so hopefully this will work ok and will hopefully be a success!

Stats to bring you up to date:

Last weigh in weight lost 2st 6lbs (after a very undeserved +5lbs on at group on friday!)

So here goes! :-)