Friday 27 February 2015

Day one week one

Well that's it all back and re registered with slimming world. Although hubby doesn't officially deploy until Monday, he's Weekend duty this weekend so thought I'd get a few days head start.
I was shocked at how much affect about 5 weeks of "it's my last *insert food group/restaurant/drink/takeaway* can do but it's all fresh and shiney new ready for my task ahead.
I had a little chat with my consultant and we decided to settle on an interim target if 6 stone off in the time I have totally do able, I think it works out about 2 and a half pounds a week which is a healthy amount!
I'm off to take a picture and measurements to put in my diary!

I've actually spent a Friday after weigh in not actually going over my syns either! Check me out!

So stay tuned and see how I get on!

Tuesday 24 February 2015


Hi everyone,  it's been a looooooong time since I've blogged but I thought as I'd had a fair new followers on my page I thought I'd say hi and introduce my new mission!

I've had so much going on since my last post and a stupidly busy year has caused a big old weight gain and the need to find a new challenge for me.

So hubby is deploying yet again, 35 weeks this time and when he returns we want to try for baby number two, however the weight I am now it's not possible and I don't want to be this heavy as I don't want a repeat performance of my last pregnancy and birth.
It's also my 30th birthday in November and I want to be a fitty at 30 NOT a fatty!

So my mission as I have chosen to accept it is....

*** 35 weeks to lose AT LEAST 70lbs ***

It's still a healthy weight loss and would put my in good stead for getting towards a healthy weight, I'd still have a bit to go but hey its a start right?!

I'll not be blogging every night food diaries and the like but ill post something most days.

Weigh in will be Friday morning (fresh start at slimming world again)

I will also be gymming as often as possible but at least twice a week for a couple of hours at a time and I've also got wii and dvds and I've just purchased a hula hoop..... stay tuned for how much damage I can do there lol!

So stick with me and see how I get on. I'll take measurements and a picture after my first official weigh but I won't post them until I've completed my 35 weeks.

Thanks for reading xx