Saturday 7 March 2015

Week one AD (after deployment!)

So Monday came and went. It was finally D Day. The dreaded time to watch the ship that carries my husband to disappear over the horizon and settle in to life as a 'single parent' and embark on the mission in hand!

In all fairness I've been doing okay so far, don't get me wrong I hate him not being here and my daughter asking where daddy's toothbrush has gone broke my heart but for some odd reason I didn't want to stuff my face with copious amounts of Ben and Jerry or crisps.

The whole week has been like this. I had my day of sorrow and mourning on Monday, that first night alone is always a killer I don't sleep properly and I woke feeling pretty pants to be fair. But I pulled on my big girl pants -literally and metaphorically- and made my way to the gym for my second freebie pt session. I have been set a challenge for march.
I have to give up bread and embark on the fitness challenge.
I had to see how fast I could cycle 5k, how many bench steps I could do on each leg in a minute, how long I could plank for and how many push ups I could do (that was truly pitiful!)
She then weighed and took my measurements and I now have until April 6th to better every one of the scores I have, lose half a stone AND shrink my measurements. If I don't I'm in for some kind of sadistic beasting I think!

Feeling sore but motivated for the rest of the week I've carried on. Not eating bread and yesterday was my first weigh of my deployment diet. I lost

6 and a half pounds

Woooooooooooop go me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smashing my weekly goal of 2 and a half so I've put myself ahead a bit already! Happy days!

Ready to begin week two.

This week started with me staying at a friends and involved Pizza and wine. But on the plus side it was a shared pizza and a bottle of wine so could have been a lot worse!!!!! Bring on the next week weigh! I've told my consultant I want to lose 3lbs this week.

Wish me luck!